Beyond the Rainbow: Understanding Rainbow Washing and Supporting Authentic LGBTQ+ Allyship

Beyond the Rainbow: Understanding Rainbow Washing and Supporting Authentic LGBTQ+ Allyship

Pride Month bursts with rainbows everywhere, but are they all genuine? "Rainbow washing" is when companies exploit Pride symbols for profit without truly supporting the LGBTQ+ community (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). June is for celebration, but meaningful allyship is year-round. Let's learn how to spot rainbow washing and ensure our support makes a difference.

Corporate man with a swath of rainbow paint covering part of him, against a NY skyscraper background

What is Rainbow Washing?

It comes in many forms: temporary rainbow logos, Pride merch without charitable ties, all sending the message that support is a trend, not a value (Ball, 2021). True allyship involves consistent actions like inclusive policies, donations to LGBTQ+ charities, and amplifying queer voices (Human Rights Campaign, n.d.). Rainbow washing creates a false sense of progress, diverting funds from those who need it and potentially alienating the LGBTQ+ community.

Imagine a company selling Pride t-shirts without a history of LGBTQ+ support, inclusive HR practices, or transparent profit use – that's a red flag for potential rainbow washing.

rainbow paint on a piglet in a tutu

Authentic Allyship: What to Look For

Here's how to spot companies truly committed to the LGBTQ+ community:

  • Internal Support: LGBTQ+ employee groups (ERGs), inclusive policies (especially trans healthcare) show they value diversity from within (Human Rights Campaign, n.d.).
  • Year-Round Donations: Consistent support for reputable LGBTQ+ charities signals commitment beyond Pride Month.
  • Amplifying Voices: Spotlighting LGBTQ+ leaders, artists, and advocates goes beyond symbols and centers lived experiences.
  • Intersectional Approach: Recognizing struggles within the LGBTQ+ community is key. Support for Black queer voices, trans rights, etc., shows deeper understanding.

Consumers Hold the Power

Research! The Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index rates company LGBTQ+ policies (Human Rights Campaign, n.d.). Check which companies partner with nonprofits like The Trevor Project or GLAAD. Choose to support those aligned with your values.


Pride deserves year-round celebration, including holding companies accountable. We have power as consumers. Look beyond rainbows to businesses taking meaningful action to uplift LGBTQ+ people within their company and throughout society. It might take extra effort, but it ensures your support drives real change. Research, use your voice, and demand authenticity for a world where Pride means progress for all.


  • Ball, C. (2021, June 24). What is rainbow washing and why is it harmful? Advocate
  • Human Rights Campaign. (n.d.). Corporate equality index.
  • Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Rainbow washing. In dictionary.



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